Sustainability Topics


Ground-mounted panels can be tilted to ensure optimal efficiency through the seasons.

Ground-mounted panels can be tilted to ensure optimal efficiency through the seasons.

Solar electricity

Our farm has no grid connection, so all electricity here is ‘green’ - produced from solar panels. We have an ‘off-grid’ solar system, but I have experience with all types of solar installations, including ‘hybrid’ and ‘grid-tied’ systems. I can visit you at your prospective site or home to discuss your requirements, take a detailed energy audit, and together decide on a system that meets your needs. 



We have installed a fixed-dome biodigester on the farm, with a facultative (algae) pond and loading bay. This takes care of all sewerage (black water) and grey water from the house. To increase biogas production, we supplemental ‘feed’ this with cow manure and whey from the nearby dairy, as well as any organic material not suitable for the worm farm. I would recommend seeing this in action, and preferably experience the entire process of harvesting and feeding, to truly appreciate the sense of satisfaction that comes from converting a waste stream into clean, renewable cooking gas, as well as organic fertilizer.


Wood products

Bespoke and unique furniture, made from the alien Blackwood that we harvest from our forest, helps support the continuing removal of alien vegetation and rehabilitation of the indigenous forest. Also, all machining of the wood is performed with solar-power-driven equipment. So taking the carbon-trapping of the wood into consideration, this furniture probably has a negative carbon footprint!

As well as the furniture, the smaller trees are processed into firewood. This is a great source of energy, as it is part of a renewable, superficial carbon cycle, unlike when one burns coal or other fossil fuels (e.g. LPG).